
Chicago Glaucoma Consultants hosted Rosenbloom Rounds

In November, Chicago Glaucoma Consultants hosted Rosenbloom Rounds, an optometric continuing education event held in honor of the late Dr. Alfred Rosenbloom, OD for the Illinois State Chapter of the American Academy of Optometry. This event offered an engaging...

Dr Lisa Young presented poster at American Academy of Optometry

In October, Dr. Young presented a poster entitled “Hyphemia and Iridodialysys Secondary to iStent Implantation” at the American Academy of Optometry annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. “Hyphemia and Iridodialysys Secondary to iStent Implantation”Co Authors: Lisa...

Dr Breunig wins Rookie of the Year Award

Dr Breunig was awarded the Rookie of the Year Award by the Residents in the Department of Ophthalmology on June 13, 2015. It was in recognition for "Outstanding Teaching as Rookie of the Year." Drs Brown, Gorla and Breunig spend time each month with the residents and...

CGC participates in Health Fair at Vi

Dr Breunig and staff were on site for the Vi's May Health fair. Physicians and clinicians from various specialties were on site to educate residents on pertinent health topics and provide screenings. Chicago Glaucoma provided information on eye conditions that affect...

IAO Networking Event at Glen Location

Dr Young hosted fellow Optometrists at the March Illinois Association of Optometry Networking Event. Approximately a dozen Optometrists were in attendance to mingle, network & discuss cases. We were happy to support the local optometric community.

Dr Brown co-presented at the 2015 ISEPS-COS Joint Conference

Steven Brown, MD along with Anne Menke, RN, PhD & Pauline Merrill, MD presented at the 2015 ISEPS-COS Joint Conference on behalf of OMIC (Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company). They lectured on Risk Management in an Ophthalmology Practice: Avoiding Diagnostic...

Dr Breunig lectured at the Vi to residents on Common Eye Conditions

Yesterday, Dr Breunig lectured to a standing room only group of residents at the Vi Retirement Community in Glenview. Dr Breunig spoke with common eye conditions that are prevalent with the senior population. He also hosted a Q & A afterwards. Dr Breunig looks...