Short Version: There will be no lapse in coverage for any patients with Aetna! Chicago Glaucoma Consultants’ Doctors each have back up individual contract if our existing agreement (in conjunction with Rush Health Associates) terms.
Long Version: Chicago Glaucoma Consultants has been contracted through Rush Health Associates for over 15 years. This has been a great way for small private practices, like ourselves, to have a liaison between us and the insurance company. At this time, Aetna and Rush have been unable to come to an agreement for this upcoming term (starting Jan 1, 2013). Because of this “stand still”, our office and our patients have been informed about the “possible termination” of contract. Instead of crossing our fingers hoping the companies would come to a last minute agreement, CGC proactively got back up contracts in place to avoid any potential lapse in coverage. Specifically, if our current Rush Aetna contract terminates on Dec 31, 2012, we have an already active individual contract that will be in place effective Jan 1, 2013.
Feel free to call our office should you have any questions. Thank you so much for your patience in this matter.